Cowboi Dukes

During your OUTsider experience, sign up for Cowboi's Shine-On Service to fellowship with a CUNTry Boi, & get your kicks ready for some peaCOCKing.

Hailing from the rural South Texas community of Cuero (Spanish for "LEATHER"), TX, Cowboi Dukes learned at an early age the art of shining your shit kickers for a weekend full of boot scootin' after a hard week of farm labor.  This transformative ritual was an opportunity to scrub away the hardships of life & polish up for all the flamBOIancy of livestock auction rings, dance halls, Tejano clubs, roadhouses, & honky tonks.  After exploring the queer leather community later in life, Dukes aspires to be in service to other & keep Bootblacking traditions alive, while working at the intersection of their CUNTry roots.

Appointments will be taken every 20 minutes on a 1st-CUM/1st-served basis. Tips are encouraged & will go toward local queer & trans groups.